I chose this book as my first book review on this space, maybe because it wrenched my heart or because it gave hope to my soul. I don't know.
Favorite Quote
obedience involves for us, no physical suffering, perhaps, not social ostracism as
it has for some, but this warring with worries and regrets, this bringing into captivity our
thoughts. We have planted (in our integrity) the banner of our trust in God. The consequences
are His responsibility.
I hope you pick up a copy and read with me.
Elisabeth Elliot (1926 -2015) poured her life into one book.
Many relationships in the 21st century are using social media as their standard to a lasting love marriage.
They are getting it all wrong.
Betty (as she calls herself in this work) used her life's experience and pain to connect to our hearts and our spirits.
She shares her periods of waiting on God for Jim (her first spouse) and submission to God's will for Love.
Can we be passionate about people and remain pure and holy before God?
Elisabeth gives a resounding yes through this book.
Her Journey of trust and reliance on God's will amazes me. The Strength and patience she exudes still strike me as extraordinary.
God prunes people in their time of waiting. In their time of loneliness, He shifts our Hearts to look towards Him.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Rom.8.18 (NKJV)